Dental Technician

The dental technician is also known as a dental technologist. He is a member of the dental team. He plays an important role within the team Chapel Hill family dentist tells that when a patient comes to a clinic or to the dentist he is being diagnosed or examined by a dental doctor and after dentist communicates with a dental technician for measurement, drawing, and prescription took from the patient.

Dental restoration:
Dental restoration is done when the patient’s teeth are lost and is replaced by the replica and he had to remove it at cleaning and at night. It is replaced by all teeth of patient’s upper or lower jaw.
Fixed restoration: 
It is the replacement of one or more teeth, not full jaw which is cemented by replica teeth. This is only done if the supportive tissue is healthy and patiently is willing to get it done and also he is healthy in condition.
It is a special field of dentistry which requires a further specialized training after completing dental school studies and he undergoes several pieces of training and programs. Metal wire is inserted into the braces to remove the teeth from the desirable place. It is made up of stainless steel or ceramic. This needs an expert and professional to do this task. Patients need to be treated well who are afraid.
